Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Cougars To Kick Off Season This Afternoon

HOUSTON, TEXAS (October 1, 2008) The University of Houston swimming and diving team will open the 2008-09 season Wednesday with the annual Red and White Meet at 3pm.

The intrasquad meet is the annual opening to the season and will take place at the Campus Recreation and Wellness Center Natatorium. The meet is free and open to the public.

Senior Andrea Pa'lmai will captain the Red Team. She will compete with senior Doreen Polotzek, sophomores Markee Johnson, Brittany Copeland, Paige Bissett and Courtney Forcucci. Freshmen Beccy Hillis, Olga Bordatcheva, Anne Stone, Rachel Holcomb, Jessalyn Almond and Rachel Erickson will complete the team.

On the White Team, guided by senior Sasha Swendenwein, will be juniors Anastasia Pozdniakova and Jessica Shamburger, sophomores Andrea Kells, Amber Brodeur and Lacey Truelove and freshmen Kimberlee Eeson, Natalie Newcomb, Borbala Juhasz, Amber Pace, Danica Lubbers and Rachel Johnson.

The meet will consist of 15 events and each swimmer will compete in three individual events and two relays while the divers will compete in two individual events and one relay.

A complete recap of the meet will be available at following the day's events.

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